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Showing posts from June, 2020

Finding a Vision

It is very difficult, almost impossible to look into the future and try to predict what lies out there. IMO that's why its alright to get embarrassed, when people ask you about your 'VISION' , and you have no answer. Sustaining a long term vision requires foundation beliefs of some sort. Allmost all programmers of repute i am aware of have some sort of creed. Its what they doggedly believe in that drives them through social ,financial, emotional and intellectual issues that arise with being a visionary. There exists no prerecorded statement in our heart to answer the iconic question - What is your vision ? Possibly because a vision is not a pre-fabricated thought process one is born with. A vision arises out of experience, inspiration and education. The greater the quantum of these three influences on our lives, the more refined and eclectic visions can turn out to be. You dont have to go to Harvard or an IIT to get a vision, but it does help to have a great education, to m...