In order to break out of a serious destructive habit of getting angry all the time, one must get in touch with one's inner self to understand what one is driven by...
We all get angry from time to time. From things not working out in our lives to things not seeming to work out according to our expectations in the lives of others. Anger is always linked to deeper emotional stress we experience in our inner selves. In order to break out of a serious destructive habit of getting angry all the time, one must get in touch with one's inner self to understand what one is driven by, and secondly what one's inner goals in life are. One can trace a direct correlation between the concept of the inner self, and the modern-day psychology's concept of consciousness. In other words, our sense of Person, and our sense of identity, and as an extension, our sense of being alive. These are all different terms meaning the same thing, our inner self.
Most human beings today are highly goal-oriented, especially considering the competition for jobs and resources in today's world, where in order to achieve an ambition, you have to be hungry for it, and focus on it, from the get-go. This hunger and focus translate into a person becoming a self-driven individual. Yet, hunger and focus are not forces that operate in human beings, without an appropriate stimulus. In addition to that, the greater the goal, the greater must be the stimulus. The self-motivated individual is a rare breed because to be driven to do anything requires a lot of emotional energy and intellectual stamina. Individuals that are self-driven end up achieving a lot of success in the real world, probably because they have inculcated various ways of generating such emotional energy or inner peace by way of prayer, family bonding, fitness, etc.
At the same time, one has to be careful in indulging oneself in activities that are a drain on your vital stores of emotional energy. Some of these activities are a morbid fascination for video games, idle gossip, news surfing, alcohol, smoking, and other addictions. When your emotional energy is drained, you become incompetent to participate constructively in society. Intellectual stamina is another area where self-driven individuals excel.
Almost every human being is capable of brilliant thoughts, but it takes a lot of powers of deduction and insight to process that thought further, to flesh out an idea on paper. Ideas by themselves are not talking points until you can effectively articulate that idea. In order to achieve the full potential of your idea, you have to first learn to clearly describe the idea so that even a person of average intelligence can understand. When an individual keeps on getting ideas and does not articulate them, he is never going to work on those ideas, and their minds become dull, effectively reducing their capacity for intellectual activity.
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