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Happy vs Joyful


        At most times we are not happy, when we look at the world around us. Even if we were to ignore the world at large and focus on our personal circumstances , chances are we not satisfied with what we have achieved. Yet we can by joyful. Joyful does not mean happy. Joyful means you have a sense of hope, no matter what is wrong in our life, God can and will set it right, if we put our faith in him. This is the difference between being happy and being joyful. Church, particularly through worship gives us an opportunity to express this joyfulness in the presence of God. Songs that convey the true inner state of our beings, expressing our need for God in our moments of distress translate into experiences of joy.
    The joy in our hearts comes from the innate understanding that we are deeply loved by our Creator,and we are wonderful and unique in our own right.Sometimes we can lose our joy, when we don't spend time in the presence of God, because we focus so much on our worldly circumstances, our minds cannot focus on the ethereal knowledge of our joyful existence in the presence of God. This is why it becomes essential to rest from the world and all its trappings , keeping the day apart to spend time with God in prayer and song. 
    Joy also stems from the knowledge of Gods saving grace, and knowing that what Jesus did for us 2000 years ago, has sealed our glorious fate, it is only our repentance from sin that keeps us from rejoicing in the presence of a Holy God.  
Hence it is not important to be happy always, but to be always be joyful.That is why Paul writes in the book of Philippians 4:4 

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again i say Rejoice..
